Our Programs & Events


Fall Art Share 


Thursday, October 17, 2024 | Via Zoom

8:00pm EDT | 7:00pm CDT | 6:00 MDT | 5:00 PDT

NCVA is turning one this fall! To celebrate, we’re hosting an online Art Share on Thursday, October 17. This fun event is open to all as we pray, fellowship and connect. (While everyone is welcome and invited to attend, only NCVA members will have the opportunity to share one art piece for one minute). If you’re not a member but would like to be, start by becoming a member today! 

Creator Circles

Creator Circles is the core program of NCVA connecting people together and developing meaningful and powerful friendships. Creator Circles gather up to eight NCVA members monthly via Zoom to support, inspire, and encourage each other.
Creator Circles give participants the opportunity to share life as the group listens attentively. With a focus on connecting with God and others, the supportive atmosphere helps valuable relationships form that are truly impactful.
Creator Circles registration is open now for the Fall season. View the schedule and register at ncva.community/creator-circles
For more information or to be placed on a waiting list, contact info@ncva.community.

History of Creator Circles

2018 – Kent Larson and Barbara Lidfors start gathering artists on Zoom once a month

2020 – Kent and Barbara, along with with Steven Homestead and Michelle Paine, expand and launch the program for Christians in the Visual Arts (CIVA)

2023 – After 3 years within CIVA, program participants decide to keep making connections through these gatherings

2023 – Creator Circles launch

Art Shares

We hold member Art Shares several times a year to provide an opportunity for our members to get to know each other’s artwork. Guests are welcome to attend and NCVA Members are invited to share one piece of art so we can get to know our members AND their art. This will be a tie of art sharing, fellowship, prayer, and connection. Sign up for our email list to find out about our next Art Share!

Past Programs

Neurotheology, Creativity & Community

On May 9, 2024 NCVA and friends from the broader creative community gathered for an online discussion on the connections between our brains, creativity, and community. We spoke with guest Amy Howey Pierson, author of Makers in a Thinker’s World: What Brain Science Teaches about the Spiritually Transforming Power of Creativity, as well as heard from founders of the Creator Circles model, including Kent Larson and NCVA co-founder Steven Homestead, plus co-founder Michelle Arnold Paine and board member Adrienne Reedy.  Watch a recording of the event below: 


Creator Circle Facilitator Training 

Tuesdays: June 11, July 9, July 16 | Via Zoom

1:30 pm EDT | 12:30 pm CDT | 11:30am MDT 10:30am PDT  

Each summer, we gather for three sessions of Creator Circle training that equips us in areas of attunement, attentive listening, and facilitation skills. We learn the powerful principles behind Creator Circles that can impact your own community and personal creativity, plus set us up to serve as a facilitator.



Summertime Chat 


Wednesday, July 31, 2024 | Via Zoom

8:00pm EDT | 7:00pm CDT | 6:00 MDT | 5:00 PDT
We kick backed and gathered with NCVA members and friends as we shared a time of fellowship and what’s been inspiring us from the summer!

In-Person Gathering: Seattle Washington

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

In the heart of the Emerald City, we connected with creatives and friends for our #PNW In-Person Gathering.

Partner with us

If you would like to partner with us as we grow this network, reach out via the button below.